#30- A Look Back, and a Look Ahead


According to WordPress, this post is my 30th post on this blog. While certainly not a huge achievement, or an overly significant milestone, especially since it has been stretched out over many months. But, in my my mind, it is a milestone, and I am sure there is a philosophy out there that encourages you to celebrate every milestone, now matter how minuscule, right? Right….

So, what does one write for a 30th post?  I frankly have few ideas, so I decided to look back at highlights of these past few months, and then attempt to speculate what lies ahead for this blog.

So without further ado, lets look at some highlights of these past 29 posts:


1. The Most Controversial Post: Downsize Your Hobby: This post generated lots of comments of various reactions both here ont he main blog site, and on the forums I frequent where the link to this post was uploaded. Perhaps not surprisingly, there was more of a negative reaction from the board game crowd- It’s hard to argue with the Cult of the New.

2. The Most Overlooked Post: Unplugged Gaming – Taking time to unplug and spend it with friends is a great way to spend time.


3. The Most Popular Post: Idea #1 Find the Free Stuff!– This post really kind of kicked of my Low (or No) Cost Ideas Series. According to WordPress’s stats, this was the most viewed post. Hopefully you all found it helpful. This series has been for me  a great way to encapsulate my philosophy and my approach to my hobbies- the essence of being a Frugal Hobbyist.


4. The Best Board Game Review Post: If I defined best by “most views”, my review of Occupation of the Rhineland would easily take the cake. However, I think that my review of Pay Dirt takes the cake. This game has spawned more posts, or parts of posts than any other game, and has been my favorite game to review to date. Seriously, I think it is that good! Notable runners up in this category: Harbour, which really kickstarted this blog, Serica: Plains of Dust, and Yardmaster Express.


So, where do we go from here? That is where you, the reader comes in! I realize that I am pulling from two very different groups of hobbyists: Those who like trains, and those who like games. Granted some of you are probably like me and like both! But, I do want to cover both to the best that I can. So, if you have ideas of what you want to see discussed , or reviewed, let me know in the comments.

Now, I do have some ideas, and hopefully that work is slowing down for me, the next 30 posts will come at a faster speed than before. (but no promises!)For the next 30 posts, expect more of the same. More board game reviews, more updates on my train layout, and more ideas and opinions about how to enjoy both without breaking the bank.

Now, a word about board games: I would love to review more games. If you are a designer, promoter, or publisher, big, or small, I will gladly review a game for you. Simply send me an email, and we can work something out!

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